This package consists of two MATLAB functions to assist users with choosing the thresholds for wavelet denoising using the Cromwell package. [1] function [smoothed, thresholds] = sizerPrep(inten, thresholds, infinity) This function takes three inputs inten = the raw spectrum intensities thresholds = a vector of threshold settings to apply (default = 4:100) infinity = a really large threshold setting (default = 1000) The output consists of two objects smoothed is a matrix containing the smooth spectra for all thresholds thresholds is the vector of thresholds The outputs can be used as inputs to the corresponding plotting routine, sizerPlot. [2] function sizerPlot(spec, smoothed, thresholds, sml, range) The inputs of this function are spec = the raw intensity spectrum smoothed = a matrix of smoothed spectra from sizerPrep thresholds = a vector of thresholds from sizerPrep sml = a vector of thresholds that should be displayed range = a vector of spectrum time points to display The function returns no outputs. Instead, it produces a graph containing a heatmap of the deviations of the smooth spectra from the "infinitely smoothed" spectrum, along with overlays of the raw spectrum and the smooths corresponding to the minimal and maximal displayed thresholds.