\\mene\bioinfo\Proteomics\Kuerer\KRC-WCX2-24QC\readme.txt 17-18 December 2003 Kevin R. Coombes 1. The XPT files from 24 identical samples (run on 3 chips, two spots at a time, over a four day period) were loaded into a single Ciphergen experiment file in version of the Ciphergen software. Note that spots A and B of each chip were used on the first day, spots C and D on the second day, etc. 2. The spectra were filtered, baseline-corrected, and normalized using the default settings in the Ciphergen software. 3. Peaks were detected using the default settings, and a peak list was exported to the file "kuererqcPeaksDefault.csv". Using this setting, we found a total of 224 peaks, which averages at about 9 peaks per spectrum. 4. Peak finding sensitivity was reset to "maximum" using the slider. Existing peak labels were cleared and the peak finding was repeated. Results were exported to the file "kuererqcPeaksMaxSens.csv". Using this setting, we detected a total of 996 peaks, which averages out to 41.5 peaks per spectrum. 5. All unprocessed spectra were then exported in XML format to the subdirectory "RawXML" of the current directory. As expected, this procedure yielded 24 distinct XML files. 6. The XML files were converted to our two-column raw text format using the script "xml2txt.pl" in the AnalysisScripts subdirectory. Note that this script relies on the "ciphergenXMLreader.pl" script in the directory /Proteomics/bin as of 17 December 2003. Note also that the script truncates the file name to a unique identifier of the form W###A, where the W is literal (and identifies the WCX2 chip), the three digits identify the exact chip, and the final letter identifies the spot within the chip. The script also verifies the existence of the letters QC in the original file name, corresponding to an actual instance of the QC sample. 7. A listing of the raw spectra was created using the command: fnames.pl RawSpectra RawFiles.txt 8. A matrix combining all the raw spectral data was prepared in MATLAB using the function "collateSpectra.m" that is contained in the Cromwell package. This matrix was saved in the file "rawSpec.mat" in the main directory. We also saved the mass values (which were the same for all files) in the file "rawMass.mat". 9. After creating the rawSpec.mat and rawMass.mat files, the text versions in the RawSpectra directory were deleted and the XML versions in the RawXML directory were placed into a zip file. (Care may need to be taken when unzipping on a UNIX machine since the zip file was created on a Windows machine with the default settings. This can lead to differences in end-of-line characters across operating systems.) 10. Record keeping now passes to the MATLAB file "collate.m", which performs the main smoothing.