From: [] Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2008 2:29 PM To: Baggerly,Keith A Subject: Decision on NMED-LE40837 11th Jun 2008 Our ref: NMED-LE40837 Dear Dr. Baggerly: Thank you for submitting your correspondence "Microarrays: Retracing Steps (Again)" (NMED-LE40837) for possible publication in Nature Medicine. We have given careful consideration to it and decided that we are unable to offer to publish the letter. The space available for correspondence in Nature Medicine is very limited and, in light of the many that are submitted, we must decline to publish most of them. In deciding which to publish we consider how topical it is, how relevant it is to something we have published, and how likely it is to be of interest to our readers. In this case, we carefully considered the points raised in your correspondence and contacted Dr. Potti and colleagues for the opportunity to respond. In view of their detailed response, we feel that your concerns can be clarified directly by Dr. Potti et al. and do not feel in this instance that the discussion warrants publication in Nature Medicine. We therefore refer you to Dr. Potti and Dr. Nevins for a response to the issues you raise (; NEVIN001@MC.DUKE.EDU). We appreciate the importance of maintaining an accurate scientific record in order to replicate and extend findings, as well as in the value of direct discussion with the authors of a publication for expedient clarification of methods and findings. I am sorry that we cannot be more positive on this occasion and thank you for your interest in Nature Medicine. Best wishes, Alison Farrell, Ph.D. Senior Editor Nature Medicine ______________________________________________________________________________ ** As a service to authors, Nature Publishing Group provides authors with the ability to transfer a manuscript that one journal cannot offer to publish to another journal, without the author having to upload the manuscript data again. To transfer your manuscript to another NPG journal using this service, please click on ** For Nature Publishing Group general information and news for authors, see This email has been sent through the NPG Manuscript Tracking System NY-610A- NPG& MTS This email has been sent through the NPG Manuscript Tracking System NY-610A- NPG&MTS.