\name{LFSpro.cancer.type} \alias{LFSpro.cancer.type} \docType{data} \title{ Predefined cancer types and the corresponding number in LFSpro } \description{ We classified the cancers into 11 groups according to NCCCN Guidelines Version 1.2012 Li-Fraumeni Syndrome criteria. And then we coded these different groups of cancer into different number. sts(soft tissue sarcoma): 1 ost(osterosarcoma): 2 brain(brain tumor): 3 breast(breast cancer): 4 acc(adrenocortical carcinoma): 5 leukemia: 6 lung(lung bronchoalveolar cancer): 7 choroid(choroid plexus carcinoma): 8 other.lfs(other LFS spectrum cancers): 20 non.lfs(non LFS spectrum invasive cancers): 50 benign(benign tumors): 100 } \usage{LFSpro.cancer.type} \format{ A vector with names of different cancer types. sts ost brain breast acc leukemia lung choroid other.lfs non.lfs benign 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 20 50 100 } \examples{ data(LFSpro.cancer.type) LFSpro.cancer.type } \keyword{datasets}