\name{calLK} \alias{calLK} \title{ Calculate the likelihood Pr(D|G). } \description{ Calculate the likelihood (Pr(D|G), probability of healthy status D given the genotype G) for each individual in the family. } \usage{ calLK(fam.cancer.data, penetrance.all) } \arguments{ \item{fam.cancer.data}{ Data including family information and cancer information. See \link{fam.cancer.data} for details. } \item{penetrance.all}{ The penetrance of three kinds of genotype (wild type, one copy TP53 mutation and two copy TP53 mutation) for male and female in the population. See \link{LFSpenet.2010} for details. } } \value{ Return a n*3 matrix. The likelihood of three kinds of genotype for each individual in the family. n denotes the number of individuals in the family. } \author{ Gang Peng } \seealso{ \code{\link{lkNoneAffect}}, \code{\link{peelingRC}} } \examples{ data(fam.cancer.data) data(LFSpenet.2010) calLK(fam.cancer.data[[1]], LFSpenet.2010) } \keyword{models}