\name{fam.data} \alias{fam.data} \docType{data} \title{ Family information data } \description{ Family information data used in function LFSpro. } \usage{fam.data} \format{ A data frame containing 9 variables. \describe{ \item{\code{fam.id}}{family id} \item{\code{id}}{individual id} \item{\code{fid}}{father id} \item{\code{mid}}{mother id} \item{\code{gender}}{gender. 0: female, 1: male} \item{\code{age}}{If the individual was alive at the last contact date, use the age at that time. otherwise, use the age at death.} } } \details{ Family id could include characters, but id, father id and mother id must be interger larger than 0. } \seealso{ \code{\link{cancer.data}} } \examples{ data(fam.data) fam.data } \keyword{datasets}