\name{lkNoneAffect} \alias{lkNoneAffect} \title{ Likelihood for non-affected individuals } \description{ Calculate the likelihood for non-affected individuals. } \usage{ lkNoneAffect(penetrance, age) } \arguments{ \item{penetrance}{ The penetrance matrix for only male or female. See \link{LFSpenet.2010} for details. } \item{age}{ The age when the individual is still healthy. } } \value{ The likelihood (Pr(D|G)) for the none affected individual at 'age' years old. G can be TP530, TP531 and PT532. } \author{ Gang Peng } \seealso{ \code{\link{calLK}} } \examples{ data(LFSpenet.2010) lkNoneAffect(LFSpenet.2010$fFX, 50) } \keyword{model}