Object Oriented Microarray Library: Within-Slide Replicates

The within-slide replicate module provides the definition of the slide.replicate class. See the bottom of the page for an example of how the class can be used.

Class Name: slide.replicate


An object of class cg4.replicate derived from the a channel of a complete slide.
An object of class cg4.replicate derived from the b channel of a complete slide.
An object of class single.group, obtained by scoring ra
An object of class single.group, obtained by scoring rb


slide.replicate(cs, ef, ...)
Constructor. The first (required) argument is a complete.slide object. The optional ef argument is an extractor; it defaults to svol.extractor. The remaining arguments are passed along to the extractor.
plot(object, multiple, ccl, name, ...)
Produce a 2x2 grid of plots. The first one is a straight scatter plot of the replicates in the red channel. Next is a Baggerly-Coombes plot of the replicate intensities in the red channel. The optional multiple argument determines which multiple of the smoothed estimate of standard deviation is plotted; the default value is 3. The optional ccl argument allows the plot to be color-coded. The rmaining two plots are the same as the first two, except that they plot the replicates in the green channel.


An object of the slide.replicate class corresponds to a quality control check on how well the replicate spots on a CG4 microarray behaved.
