ClusterTest-class {ClassDiscovery}R Documentation

The ClusterTest Class


This is a base class for tests that attempt to determine whether the groups found by an unsupervised clustering method are statistically significant.


## S4 method for signature 'ClusterTest':
image(x, dendrogram, ...)


x An object of the ClusterTest class.
dendrogram An object with S3 class hclust, as returned by the hclust function.
... Additional graphical parameters to be passed to the standard image function.

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls of the form new("ClusterTest", ...). Most users, however, will only create objects form one fo the derives classes such as BootstrapClusterTest or PerturbationClusterTest.


An object of class "call", which shows how the object was constructed.
A symmetric "matrix" containing the results of the cluster reproducibility test. The size of the matrix corresponds to the number of samples (columns) in the data set on which the test was performed. The result matrix should contain "agreement" values between 0 and 1, representing for each pair of samples the fraction of times that they were collected into the same cluster.


signature(x = "ClusterTest"): Produces a histogram of the agreement fractions. When a true group structure exists, one expects a multimodal distribution,with one group of agreements near 0 (for pairs belonging to different clusters) and one group of agreements near 1 (for pairs belonging to the same cluster).
signature(x = "ClusterTest"): Uses the heatmap function to display the agreement matrix. The optional dendrogram argument should be used to display the extent to which the ageement matrix matches the results of hierarchical clustering using the full data set.
signature(object = "ClusterTest"): Write our a summary of the object.


Kevin R. Coombes <>


Kerr MK, Churchill GJ. Boostrapping cluster analysis: Assessing the reliability of conclusions from microarray experiments. PNAS 2001; 98:8961-8965.

See Also

BootstrapClusterTest, PerturbationClusterTest, heatmap


# simulate data from two different classes
d1 <- matrix(rnorm(100*30, rnorm(100, 0.5)), nrow=100, ncol=30, byrow=FALSE)
d2 <- matrix(rnorm(100*20, rnorm(100, 0.5)), nrow=100, ncol=20, byrow=FALSE)
dd <- cbind(d1, d2)

# cluster the data
hc <- hclust(distanceMatrix(dd, 'pearson'), method='average')

# make a fake reproducibility matrix
fraud <- function(x) {
  new('ClusterTest', result=abs(cor(x)),

fake <- fraud(dd)


image(fake) # let heatmap compute a new dendrogram from the agreements

image(fake, dendrogram=hc) # use the actual dendrogram from the data

image(fake, dendrogram=hc, col=blueyellow(64)) # change the colors

rm(fake, fraud, hc, dd, d1, d2)

[Package ClassDiscovery version 1.1 Index]