getConfidenceInterval {SuperCurve}R Documentation

Compute Confidence Intervals for a Model Fit to Dilution Series


This function computes confidence intervals for the estimated concentrations in a four-parameter logistic model fit to a set of dilution series in a reverse-phase protein array experiment.


getConfidenceInterval(result, alpha = 0.1, nSim = 50)


result A RPPAFit object representing the result of fitting a four-parameter logistic model
alpha The desired significance of the confidence interval; the width of the resulting interval is 1 - alpha.
nSim The number of times to resample the data in order to estimate the confidence intervals.


In order to compute the confidence intervals, the function assumes that the errors in the observed Y intensities are independent normal values, with mean centered on the estimated curve and standard deviation that varies smoothly as a function of the (log) concentration. The smooth function is estimated using loess. The residuals are resampled from this estimate and the model is refit; the confidence intervals are computed empirically as symmetrically defined quantiles of the refit parameter sets.


An object of the RPPAFit class, containing updated values for the slots lower, upper, and conf.width that describe the confidence interval.


Kevin R. Coombes <>



See Also

RPPAFit-class, RPPAFit


path <- system.file("rppaCellData", package="SuperCurve")
akt <- RPPA("Akt.txt", path=path)
design <- RPPADesign(akt, grouping="blockSample",
                     controls=list("neg con", "pos con"))
fit.nls <- RPPAFit(akt, design, "Mean.Net")
# Warning: this takes a while!
fit.nls <- getConfidenceInterval(fit.nls, alpha=0.10, nSim=50)

[Package SuperCurve version 0.931 Index]