fit.ab2 <- function(nvec,xvec){ # FIT.AB2(NVEC,XVEC) -- Given the vectors of library sizes # (nvec) and associated counts for a particular tag (xvec), # this fits the alpha and beta values of the underlying beta # distribution using the method of moments. It returns # PHAT - the estimated proportion # VHAT - the associated variance estimate # VMIN - the minimum possible variance # ALPHAHAT - the first of the beta distribution parameters # BETAHAT - the second of the beta distribution parameters # This script was written to accompany # "Differential Expression in SAGE: Accounting for # Normal Between-Library Variation" by Baggerly, # Deng, Morris and Aldaz, Bioinformatics, 2003. # # Keith Baggerly, # Last Updated Dec 5, 2002 n <- length(nvec); # Get the associated proportions pvec <- xvec / nvec; # assume a starting weight vector proportional to # the library sizes wvec <- nvec / sum(nvec); # Get the minimum variance phat <- sum(wvec * pvec); vmin <- phat*(1-phat)/sum(nvec); # Iterate to convergence (this is generally quite rapid) nrep <- 15; resmat1 <- matrix(0,nrep,4); resmat2 <- matrix(0,nrep,n); kvec <- rep(0,2); kvec2 <- rep(0,4); counter <- 1; for(i in 1:nrep){ phat <- sum(wvec * pvec); w2 <- sum(wvec * wvec); vhat <- (sum(wvec^2 * pvec^2) - w2*(phat^2)) / (1 - w2); if(vhat > vmin){ # Fit beta and alpha w2n <- sum(wvec^2 / nvec); betahat <- (vhat - phat*(1-phat)*w2) / (phat*w2n - (vhat/(1-phat))); alphahat <- (phat/(1-phat))*betahat; # refit the weight vector wvec <- ((alphahat + betahat)*nvec) / (alphahat + betahat + nvec); wvec <- wvec / sum(wvec); }else{ alphahat <- 0; betahat <- 0; vhat <- vmin; break; } resmat1[i,] <- c(phat, vhat, betahat, alphahat); resmat2[i,] <- wvec; # Tack on a bisection approach in case convergence # seems to be slow kvec[((i+1) %% 2) + 1] = alphahat + betahat; if(!(i %% 2)){ ktemp <- mean(kvec); wvec <- (ktemp * nvec) / (ktemp + nvec); wvec <- wvec / sum(wvec); } } return(list(phat=phat,vhat=vhat,vmin=vmin,alphahat=alphahat,betahat=betahat)) }