Residual Disease Paper ======================================================== Quantifying Public PCR Data -------------------------------------------------------- by Shelley Herbrich ```{r options, echo=FALSE} opts_chunk$set(tidy=TRUE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE) ``` ## 1 Executive Summary ### 1.1 Introduction In this report, we present the script used to generate the final PCR quantification summaries for ADH1B and FABP4. ### 1.2 Data & Methods We use the "rawPCRData.RData" file which contains the well-specific source, plate, randomized sample identifier, target gene, baseline-corrected fluorescence measurements for 40 cycles, and baseline coordiantes. For each sample, we have 2 to 3 technical replicates for both ADH1B and FABP4 as well as the control, 18S. Some wells were manually filtered for poor quality. We chose to use a "window-of-linearity" method, as introduced by Ramakers et al (2003), to quantify the PCR results from the baseline-corrected fluorescence measurements obtained from the vendor software. This method fits a linear model to the cycle number versus log fluorescence within a sliding window of defined size within a fixed border. The optimal model is that with the maximum log-linear range. Based on this model, the intercept corresponds to the initial template fluorescence and the slope is an estimate of the PCR efficiency. This algorithm is implemented in **sliwin** (part of the [qpcr]( package). We require that the model not be fit within the baseline by forcing the lower bound of the border to be greater than the "take-off point" of exponential growth. Because the 18S fluorescence takes off almost immediately, we allow for a smaller window size to fit the optimal linear model. ### 1.3 Results We generate the ADH1B and FABP4 PCR values that correspond to the "PCRResults.RData" object. ## 2 Options and Libraries We load the libraries we will use in this report. ```{r libraries, message=FALSE} library(qpcR) ``` ## 3 Loading Data Next, we load the deidentified raw PCR data. ```{r loadRawPCRData} load(file.path("RDataObjects","rawPCRData.RData")) ``` ## 4 Quantifying PCR Data We quantify the PCR measurements for FABP4 and ADH1B using the method described above and display the results. ```{r quantifyPCR,eval=TRUE,message=FALSE,results='hide'} sampleID <- unique(rawPCRData$Sample.Name) PCRquantifications <- data.frame(Source=rep("",length(sampleID)), Plate=rep("",length(sampleID)), Sample.Name=sampleID, FABP4=rep(NA,length(sampleID)), ADH1B=rep(NA,length(sampleID)), stringsAsFactors=FALSE) for(i1 in 1:length(sampleID)){ tmp <- rawPCRData[which(rawPCRData$Sample.Name==sampleID[i1]),] tempNo <- array(NA,length(tmp$Well)) for(i2 in 1:length(tmp$Well)){ subDRn <- cbind(1:40, t(tmp[i2,grep("Cycle",colnames(tmp))])) m <- pcrfit(subDRn, cyc=1, fluo=2, model=l3) to <- tryCatch(takeoff(m)$top, error=function(e) NA) border <- c(0,0) if(to < tmp[i2,"Baseline.End"] & ! border <-c(tmp[i2,"Baseline.End"]-to,0) if(tmp$Target.Name[i2]=="18S"){ sw <- tryCatch(sliwin(m,border=border,wsize=4:6,plot=FALSE), error=function(e) NULL) }else{ sw <- tryCatch(sliwin(m,border=border,plot=FALSE), error=function(e) NULL) } if(!is.null(sw)) tempNo[i2] <- unlist(sw["init"]) } targetMeans <- sapply(split(tempNo,tmp$Target.Name),mean,na.rm=TRUE) PCRquantifications[i1,"Source"] <- as.character(tmp$Source[1]) PCRquantifications[i1,"Plate"] <- tmp$Plate[1] PCRquantifications[i1,"FABP4"] <- log2(targetMeans["FABP4"])-log2(targetMeans["18S"]) PCRquantifications[i1,"ADH1B"] <- log2(targetMeans["ADH1B"])-log2(targetMeans["18S"]) } PCRquantifications <- PCRquantifications[order(PCRquantifications$FABP4,decreasing=TRUE),] ``` ```{r printPCR} head(PCRquantifications) ``` ```{r plotPCR} plot(PCRquantifications$FABP4,PCRquantifications$ADH1B,xlab="FABP4",ylab="ADH1B") points(PCRquantifications$FABP4[which(PCRquantifications$Source=="MDACC")],PCRquantifications$ADH1B[which(PCRquantifications$Source=="MDACC")],pch="*",col="red") legend("topleft",c("MDACC","Washington"),pch=c(8,1),col=c("red","black"),bty="n",cex=0.8) abline(v=-20.05) abline(a=-39.5,b=-1,lty=2) ``` ## 5 Appendix ```{r getLocation} getwd() ``` ```{r sessionInfo} sessionInfo() ```