Plotting FABP4 vs ADH1B for Microarray Datasets

by Keith Baggerly

Jun 23, 2013

1 Executive Summary

1.1 Introduction

We want to examine the joint distribution of FABP4 and ADH1B in the TCGA, Tothill, Bonome, and CCLE cohorts, and to assess how much RD rates increase with expression levels.

1.2 Data and Methods

We use the array and clinical data prepared in the various “assembleData” and “assembleClinical” scripts. We produce plots for each dataset, using high/low cutoffs assessed by eye. We measure the RD rates when both genes are high for the TCGA and Tothill cohorts.

1.3 Results

We produce figures named fabp4VsAdh1b(dataset).

The TCGA RD rates are 97/107 in the high expression group, vs 281/384 in the complement.

The Tothill RD rates are 59/63 in the high expression group, vs 80/126 in the complement.

2. Plotting FABP4 vs ADH1B for TCGA

load(file.path("RDataObjects", "tcgaExpression.RData"))
load(file.path("RDataObjects", "tcgaFilteredSamples.RData"))
load(file.path("RDataObjects", "tcgaClinical.RData")) <- "203980_at" <- "209612_s_at"
bgColors <- rep("grey", length(tcgaSampleRD))
bgColors[tcgaSampleRD == "RD"] <- "red"
tcgaUsed <- tcgaFilteredSamples[, "sampleUse"] == "Used"
plot(tcgaExpression[, tcgaUsed], tcgaExpression[, tcgaUsed], 
    pch = 21, bg = bgColors[tcgaUsed], xlab = "FABP4 Expression (203980_at)", 
    ylab = "ADH1B Expression (209612_s_at)", main = "FABP4 and ADH1B in TCGA Ovarian Samples")
abline(v = 3.5, h = 3.5)
legend("topleft", c("Yes", "No"), pch = 19, col = c("red", "grey"), bty = "n", 
    title = "RD Status")

plot of chunk plotFABP4vsADH1BforTCGA

## pdf 
##   2

Now we check the RD to No RD ratios by subgroup.

table(tcgaSampleRD[tcgaUsed], tcgaExpression[, tcgaUsed] > 3.5)
##         FALSE TRUE
##   No RD    94   19
##   RD      254  124

table(tcgaSampleRD[tcgaUsed], tcgaExpression[, tcgaUsed] > 3.5)
##         FALSE TRUE
##   No RD    97   16
##   RD      266  112

table(tcgaSampleRD[tcgaUsed], (tcgaExpression[, tcgaUsed] > 3.5) & (tcgaExpression[, 
    tcgaUsed] > 3.5))
##         FALSE TRUE
##   No RD   103   10
##   RD      281   97

When both gene levels are high (above 3.5), the RD rate is 97/107 (90.6%), as opposed to 281/384 (73.2%).

rm(tcgaExpression, tcgaFilteredSamples, tcgaSampleInfo,,, 
    bgColors, tcgaDataDirs, tcgaFiles, tcgaSampleClinicalMapping, tcgaSampleRD, 

3. Plotting FABP4 vs ADH1B for Tothill

load(file.path("RDataObjects", "tothillExpression.RData"))
load(file.path("RDataObjects", "tothillFilteredSamples.RData"))
load(file.path("RDataObjects", "tothillClinical.RData"))

tothillExpression <- tothillExpression[, rownames(tothillFilteredSamples)]
all(rownames(tothillFilteredSamples) == names(tothillRD))
## [1] TRUE <- "203980_at" <- "209612_s_at"
bgColors <- rep("grey", length(tothillRD))
bgColors[tothillRD == "RD"] <- "red"
tothillUsed <- tothillFilteredSamples[, "sampleUse"] == "Used"
plot(tothillExpression[, tothillUsed], tothillExpression[, tothillUsed], 
    pch = 21, bg = bgColors[tothillUsed], xlab = "FABP4 Expression (203980_at)", 
    ylab = "ADH1B Expression (209612_s_at)", main = "FABP4 and ADH1B in Tothill Ovarian Samples")
abline(v = 5.25, h = 4.25)
legend("topleft", c("Yes", "No"), pch = 19, col = c("red", "grey"), bty = "n", 
    title = "RD Status")

plot of chunk plotFABP4vsADH1BforTothill

## pdf 
##   2

Now we check the RD to No RD ratios by subgroup.

table(tothillRD[tothillUsed], tothillExpression[, tothillUsed] > 5.25)
##         FALSE TRUE
##   No RD    44    6
##   RD       78   61

table(tothillRD[tothillUsed], tothillExpression[, tothillUsed] > 4.25)
##         FALSE TRUE
##   No RD    44    6
##   RD       70   69

table(tothillRD[tothillUsed], (tothillExpression[, tothillUsed] > 5.25) & 
    (tothillExpression[, tothillUsed] > 4.25))
##         FALSE TRUE
##   No RD    46    4
##   RD       80   59

When both gene levels are high, the RD rate is 59/63 (93.7%), as opposed to 80/126 (63.5%).

rm(tothillClinical, tothillExpression, tothillFilteredSamples, tothillOSMos, 
    tothillPFSMos,,, bgColors, tothillRD, tothillUsed)

4. Plotting FABP4 vs ADH1B for Bonome

load(file.path("RDataObjects", "bonomeExpression.RData"))
load(file.path("RDataObjects", "bonomeClinical.RData"))

bonomeExpression <- bonomeExpression[, rownames(bonomeClinical)] <- "203980_at" <- "209612_s_at"
bgColors <- rep("grey", nrow(bonomeClinical))
bgColors[bonomeClinical[, "SurgeryOutcome"] == "Suboptimal"] <- "red"
bonomeUsed <- bonomeClinical[, "SurgeryOutcome"] != ""  ## omit 10 normal samples
plot(bonomeExpression[, bonomeUsed], bonomeExpression[, bonomeUsed], 
    pch = 21, bg = bgColors[bonomeUsed], xlab = "FABP4 Expression (203980_at)", 
    ylab = "ADH1B Expression (209612_s_at)", main = "FABP4 and ADH1B in Bonome Ovarian Samples")
abline(v = 5.25, h = 4.9)
legend("topleft", c("Subopt", "Optimal"), pch = 19, col = c("red", "grey"), 
    bty = "n", title = "Debulking")

plot of chunk plotFABP4vsADH1BforBonome

## pdf 
##   2

Now we check the Optimal to Suboptimal ratios by subgroup.

table(bonomeClinical[bonomeUsed, "SurgeryOutcome"], bonomeExpression[, 
    bonomeUsed] > 5.25)
##              FALSE TRUE
##                  0    0
##   Optimal       60   30
##   Suboptimal    65   30

table(bonomeClinical[bonomeUsed, "SurgeryOutcome"], bonomeExpression[, 
    bonomeUsed] > 4.9)
##              FALSE TRUE
##                  0    0
##   Optimal       69   21
##   Suboptimal    72   23

table(bonomeClinical[bonomeUsed, "SurgeryOutcome"], (bonomeExpression[, 
    bonomeUsed] > 5.25) & (bonomeExpression[, bonomeUsed] > 4.9))
##              FALSE TRUE
##                  0    0
##   Optimal       74   16
##   Suboptimal    76   19

rm(bonomeClinical, bonomeExpression,,, bgColors, bonomeOSYrs, 

5. Plotting FABP4 vs ADH1B for CCLE

load(file.path("RDataObjects", "ccleExpression.RData"))
load(file.path("RDataObjects", "ccleClinical.RData"))

all(rownames(ccleClinical) == colnames(ccleExpression))
## [1] TRUE <- "203980_at" <- "209612_s_at"
bgColors <- rep("grey", nrow(ccleClinical))
bgColors[ccleClinical[, "primarySite"] == "ovary"] <- "pink"
bgColors[ccleClinical[, "primarySite"] == "breast"] <- "blue"
plot(ccleExpression[, ], ccleExpression[, ], pch = 21, bg = bgColors, 
    xlab = "FABP4 Expression (203980_at)", ylab = "ADH1B Expression (209612_s_at)", 
    main = "FABP4 and ADH1B in CCLE Samples")
abline(v = 5, h = 4.5)
legend("topright", c("Ovary", "Breast", "Other"), pch = 19, col = c("pink", 
    "blue", "grey"), bty = "n", title = "Tissue")

plot of chunk plotFABP4vsADH1BforCCLE

## pdf 
##   2

rm(ccleClinical, ccleExpression,,, bgColors)


## [1] "/Users/kabagg/TCGA/RDPaper"
## R version 3.0.0 (2013-04-03)
## Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin10.8.0 (64-bit)
## locale:
## [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
## other attached packages:
## [1] knitr_1.1
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
## [1] digest_0.6.3   evaluate_0.4.3 formatR_0.7    stringr_0.6.2 
## [5] tools_3.0.0