Department of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

Home > Public Software > SurvNet


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DescriptionA bioinformatics web app for identifying network-based biomarkers that most correlate with patient survival data. Click the link below to use SurvNet.
Development Information
LanguagePerl CGI, R and C++
Current version3.0.6
LicenseNot required
Last updated2025-01-18
Citation Li J, Roebuck P, Grünewald S, Liang H. (2012). SurvNet: a web server for identifying network-based biomarkers that most correlate with patient survival data. Nucleic Acids Research 40:W1 W123-6. 
Help and Support
Contact Han Liang 


SurvNet is a valuable bioinformatic tool for identifying network-based biomarkers that most correlate with patient survival data. SurvNet takes three input files: one biological network file as the searching platform (several human protein interaction networks are provided as choices), one molecular profiling file (e.g., array-based gene expression or DNA methylation data or mutation data), and one patient survival data file. Given user-defined parameters, SurvNet will automatically identify sub-networks that most correlate with patient survival data and display the results in a visually appealing manner. Preloaded TCGA data is also available for analysis.

Browser Requirements

SurvNet is compatible with all major browsers, including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome. Javascript must be enabled by the browser. Adobe Flash Player is required to use the Cytoscape Web visualization tool.


Login is not required — it is free for anyone to use.

Release History


For questions or support related to the use of SurvNet, please visit the project's FAQ .

For other inquiries, please contact Dr. Han Liang .


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