Department of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

Home > Public Software > NG-CHM > Developer Resources

Developer Resources

For those wishing to install our NG-CHM software locally on their systems or in their bioinformatics pipelines, access to our tools and software can be found in multiple formats and locations.

GitHub Repositories (Source Code)

Repository Description
NG-CHM The NG-CHM Heat Map Viewer Source Code.
NG-CHM_GUI_BUILDER Intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) that enables non-experts to create NG-CHMs in a web browser.
NG-CHM_Galaxy Code for a Galaxy tool that creates NGCHM clustered heat maps and a galaxy plugin for dynamically viewing NGCHMs in galaxy.
See also: Galaxy Toolshed section below.
GenePattern_NGCHM_BasicBuilder A GenePattern module to build Next-Generation Clustered Heat Map in GenePattern notebook.
GenePattern_NGCHM_Viewer A GenePattern Module to view NGCHM in GenePattern Notebook.
NGCHM-R An R package for creating Next-Generation Clustered Heat Maps (NG-CHM).
See also: NGCHMR (CRAN) package link in R Packages section above.
NGCHMSupportFiles Source for R Package containing support files used by NGCHM R package functions chmExportToFile(), chmExportToHTML(), and chmExportToPDF().
See also: NGCHMSupportFiles (R Universe) package link in R Packages section above.
NGCHMDemoData R package containing demonstration data for the NGCHM-R package.
See also: NGCHMDemoData (R Universe) package link in R Packages section above.
tsvio R package of utilities for rapidly loading specified rows and/or columns of data from large tab-separated value (tsv) files.
See also: tsvio (CRAN) package link in R Packages section above.
NG-CHM-Artifacts This repository contains build artifacts from the NG-CHM Viewer project.
acluster R package for approximate hierarchical clustering. Useful for clustering very large matrices where normal R routines might require too much memory or time to cluster.
rstudio-ngchm rstudio-ngchm is a derivative of rocker/rstudio that includes preinstalled copies of the Next-Generation Clustered Heat Map (NGCHM) viewer and R library.
See also: rstudio-ngchm docker container in Docker Containers section below.

Galaxy Toolshed

Tools Description
heat_map_creation Basic Tool for creating Next-Generation Clustered Heat Maps (NG-CHM).
heat_map_creation_advanced Advanced Tool for creating Next-Generation Clustered Heat Maps (NG-CHM).
matrix_manipulation Matrix manipulation tools

Docker Containers

We’ve created multiple docker containers with preinstalled builders and additional tools for multiple use cases.

Container Description
ngchm/ngchm NG-CHM Build Artifacts
ngchm/builder NG-CHM Interactive GUI Builder
ngchm/rstudio-ngchm RStudio container with NG-CHM package preinstalled
ngchm/galaxy An instance of galaxy with the NG-CHM clustered heat map tools included.
ngchm/rstudio-ngchm-bioc R Studio container with Next-Generation Clustered Heat Map package, Bioconductor, and TCGAbiolinks.
ngchm/rstudio-ngchm-sc Variant of ngchm/rstudio-ngchm-bioc with single-cell packages Seurat and singleCellTK installed.
ngchm/ngchm-builder-genepattern A docker images used to build NG-CHMs within the GenePattern environment.