Department of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

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Existing Next-Generation Clustered Heat Maps (NG-CHMs)

To experiment with a sample NG-CHM in a new browser tab click here.   

To learn how to create your own NG-CHMs, see our NG-CHM Builders page.

View NG-CHMs Collections .

This following list contains sites known to include NG-CHMs. The description for each site includes a link to the site and a brief guide to accessing the site’s NG-CHMs.

MD Anderson TCGA NG-CHM Compendium

We created a compendium of 297 interactive Next-Generation Clustered Heat Maps (NG-CHMs) for exploring cancer bioinformatics using data from the The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) project.

The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) NG-CHM Compendium

If you wish to preview details about each of the TCGA Maps in the compendium you can view detailed information about each map at this website

TCGA NG-CHM Compendium Map Descriptions By Cancer Type


The Molecular Signatures Database (MSigDB ) can generate dynamically an NG-CHM for a pathway and an expression profile.


The Cancer Proteome Atlas (TCPA) uses NG-CHMs for its heatmap visualizations. To access the heat maps:


For cBioPortal studies for which we have related NG-CHMs, the cBioPortal page for that study will include a “Heatmaps” tab.

For example, the TCGA Prostate Cancer page on cBioPortal includes such a tab.

MBatch Omic Browser

The MBatch Omic Browser (MQA) provides an interface to evaluate batch effects in data from the Genome Data Commons (GDC). NG-CHMs are one of the visualizations provided by MQA. To view an NG-CHM:

MetaBatch Omic Browser

The MetaBatch Omic Browser (MOB) provides an interface to evaluate batch effects in data from the Metabolomics Workbench. NG-CHMs are one of the visualizations provided by MOB. To view an NG-CHM:


TANRIC uses NG-CHMs for its heatmap visualizations. To access the heat maps:


REFLECT is a bioinformatics tool that aims to accelerate drug discovery and clinical translation that will result in real patient benefit by identifying co-actionable, co-occurring oncogenic alterations that are recurrent within patient cohorts.

To access the hosted NG-CHMs:

Standardized Data

Test: Please refer to this page How to capture high quality images for publication


F1000Research is an open, peer-reviewed publishing platform for papers in all research areas. They accept NG-CHMs as interactive content within papers.

Our own NG-CHM paper is an example. Scroll down to the box labelled NG-CHM and click the Interactive Content button.

We encourage you to include interactive NG-CHMs in your papers and publish them in F1000Research.