Department of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

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NG-CHM Builders

NG-CHM Creation Tools

We have created multiple open-source tools for creating NG-CHMs as users may wish to create NG-CHMs for different reasons in different workflow environments .

  • The Online Interactive GUI Builder - For interactive experimentation and NG-CHM creation. This tool allows you to build an NG-CHM online using your web browser without having to install any additional software on your system.
    For more information on the capabilities of the NG-CHM Interactive GUI Builder see the GUI Builder documentation.
    If you do wish to run your own intance of the Interactive GUI Builder on your own system, the source code and list of latest known issues for this project is available on GitHub.

  • R Builder - For use within R. We provide an R packages to allow the most control over creating NG-CHMs. You can run the R packages on your own system and, if useful, include the automated building of NG-CHMs on your own data as part of your own custom software pipeline.
    To find out more about the capabilities of the R Builder you can review R Builder documentation which also includes links to instructional videos and extensive vignettes for examples on how to use the package.
    In addition to downloading the software from CRAN, you can also see the latest versions of the code and known issues in the repository on GitHub.
    For additional information see the list of R packages for creating NG-CHMs.

  • Within a Galaxy Project we offer three tools in the Galaxy Toolshed related to building NG-CHMs. For more information on these builders see the Galaxy Builder documentation.

  • GenePattern Builder - A GenePattern Module for building NG-CHMs within GenePattern Notebooks.
    For more information, see the GenePattern Builder Documentation

If you use Docker, see the page on Developer Resources for prebuilt Docker Containers to make using some of these builder software options easier.