Department of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

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The NG-CHM R Builder

The NGCHM R Builder consists of the NGCHM R package and several support packages. It enables Next-Generation Clustered Heat Maps to be constructed programmatically.

The R package provides the greatest range of options for creating an NG-CHM. You are not restricted by the limited options included in the graphical builders. For instance, you can use any clustering method available within R, its package library, or even your own code to order the rows and/or columns in an NG-CHM. However, using the R package requires programming expertise in R.

For an overview of using the package, see our How to Create Next-Generation Clustered Heat Map in R Studio video .

Refer to the package documentation website for:

NG-CHM R Builder Packages

Package                         Location    Source      Description
NGCHM CRAN GitHub R Package for building NG-CHMs.
tsvio CRAN GitHub Utilities for rapidly loading specified rows and/or columns of data from large tab-separated value (tsv) files (large: e.g. 1 GB file of 10000 x 10000 matrix). ‘tsvio’ is an R wrapper to ‘C’ code that creates an index file for the rows of the tsv file, and uses that index file to collect rows and/or columns from the tsv file without reading the whole file into memory.
NGCHMSupportFiles R Universe GitHub Support files required by the ‘NGCHM’ package to export Next-Generation Clustered Heat Maps (NG-CHMs) to .ngchm, HTML, and PDF files.
NGCHMDemoData R Universe GitHub Package of demo data for NGCHM vignettes.